Dream World05/01/18

Where do you really go when you sleep? Technically nowhere, though another version of yourself may find its way into an alternate world that houses a particularly dangerous individual with the ability to eat, create and manipulate dreams. It seems as though someone is dreaming about an amusement park of sorts, though whose dream is it?
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Scarlet Devil Mansion Library26/08/17

Beneath the Scarlet Devil Mansion lies a place of infinite knowledge and wisdom—a grand library of magic filled with an unimaginable array of books. Residing within such a place is a magician of extraordinary power who has been mastering the mystic arts for over 100 years, though her expertise in regards to physical exercise and her own health is comparatively lacking.
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Pixel Storm14/08/21

What a place to wind up in! Fighting in the midst of a pixel storm on a floating platform, the combatants are lucky to avoid getting hit by any of the pixel meteors—even the stray few that smash right into the platform! A dazzling sight, perhaps, but not somewhere you'd want to stay for too long...
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Pyromaniacs Stage19/06/12

A sacred(?) battleground where a man imbued with electrical powers once fought off hoards of literal hot-headed martial artists. What's with the pillars in the background? What do the symbols mean? One would ask the Pyromaniacs themselves, but it seems they've long since been extinguished.
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Vim Factory30/03/16

A cruel, soulless factory where life energy is converted into fuel for the invaders' spaceships, but why waste time trying to shut this monstrosity down when there's a battle to be won? Leave that kind of heroism to the plumbers clad in red and green!
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