Version 3.1.0
New Characters
Tenshi Hinanawi and Sumireko Usami have been added to the roster!
System Changes
  • Separate menu controls have been added. Although existing config has been converted over, be sure to adjust the new controls to your liking.
    • As a result, it is now possible to deselect the stage and character on the select screen, as well as return to previous menus without needing to press ESC.
  • Added screenshot button (F12).
  • Added Brightness to Video Settings.
  • Fixed an issue where P2 control was disabled after defaulting input config.
  • Added Record, Playback, and Reset to Battle Controls.
  • Added Player Name to the Config menu, which is displayed when playing online. Leaving it blank instead displays the character's name, as with previous versions.
  • Renamed Port Change to Network Port. Additionally, it is no longer possible to use port 0.
  • Text input now uses an on-screen keyboard. Pasting text from the clipboard with CTRL+V is still supported.
  • Host can now configure Room Settings when playing online.
  • Netplay synchronisation errors no longer crash the game.
  • Netplay now compares game versions between players, aborting the connection if there's a mismatch.
  • Replay data is no longer constantly written to the replay file during netplay, instead being saved after the session ends, potentially improving performance.
  • Replay filenames now reflect when the session started rather than when it ended.
  • Replays recorded on older versions of the game will no longer display in the Replay menu.
  • Information regarding a replay is now displayed before viewing it. This can be skipped by pressing Select when picking the replay.
  • Banished rowdy youkai to the Shame Cube.
  • Fixed an issue where certain gameplay settings were affecting Arcade Mode when they weren't supposed to.
  • Fixed an issue where the credits music didn't fade out if the credits weren't skipped.
  • Color Select has been moved to the select screen. Press Select while picking a character to skip it.
  • Randomisers (character, stage, music) no longer make the same selection twice in a row.
  • Fixed an issue where the hit portrait would remain upon successful counter when whiffing the counterattack.
  • Added status messages for First Attack, Reversal, Power Up, and Full Power.
  • Practice Settings menu has been remade.
    • Character settings have been split into P1 and P2 submenus.
    • Added Hitbox Display, Life, and Power Level settings.
    • Added character gauge settings that appear when the associated character is present.
    • Added the ability to reset from within the menu.
    • Auto Guard and Throw Escape settings can now be set to Random.
  • Practice Mode's frame display now shows negative values in red and positive values in green (also now with a +).
  • In Practice Mode, it is now possible to hold directions in conjunction with Reset or F4 to manipulate the start positions.
    • Holding Left or Right places the characters in the respective corner of the stage.
    • Holding Up or Down places the characters in the middle of the stage, with the former inverting the default start positions of both characters.
    • Holding Left or Right in conjunction with Up combines the effects of both directions.
  • Fixed an issue where changing playback settings and then reloading the game would add another set of entries to the save file.
    • Pre-existing duplicate entries will be removed upon running the game after patching.
  • Cemetery of Onbashira, now named Wind God's Lake, has been remade.
  • Added Kirisame Magic Shop, Youkai Mountain, and Heaven stages, complete with matching music tracks.
    • Marisa is now associated with Kirisame Magic Shop instead of Forest of Magic.
    • Forest of Magic has a new music track.
Global Changes
  • Superpauses no longer overlap; if activated at the same time, P1's will occur first, followed immediately by P2's, though this is purely visual and has no impact on gameplay.
  • Increased volume due to overlapping sounds (Alice's "Lemmings' Parade", Yuyuko's Ghostly Butterfly, etc.) has been addressed.
  • Fixed an issue where only P2 would benefit from certain trade situations.
  • Implemented crossup protection that enables guarding by holding forward within 5f after turning, excluding after landing from a jump.
  • Counter hit bonuses now apply to the entire attack, not just the first hit.
  • Cancel flag no longer resets between active frames of a multi-hit.
  • Corrected cancel conditions for landing frames of certain Specials.
  • Fixed an issue where the post-guard throw protection was ignored if any action was performed.
  • Projectile Normals can no longer be used while the projectile is still active.
  • Fixed juggle issues with projectile Normals.
  • Fixed a numer of issues pertaining to wall bounces.
  • Fixed a shared armor issue where the character could be knocked out of the armor state prematurely.
  • Fixed a 1f delay issue when attempting to walk after landing from a back hop or air dash.
Reimu Hakurei
  • Back Throw now pushes Reimu out the corner.
Hakurei Amulet
([] )
  • Lowered projectile spawn position.
Marisa Kirisame
Standing Light Attack
  • Startup decreased by 1f, recovery increased by 1f.
Crouching Medium Attack
  • Hurtbox size decreased.
Aerial Light Attack
(Air )
  • Hitbox size increased, lower hurtbox size decreased.
Aerial Heavy Attack
(Air )
  • Startup increased by 1f.
  • Forward hitbox size increased, vertical hitbox size decreased past a certain range.
  • Air hitstun increased by 7f, ground guardstun decreased by 5f.
  • Horizontal hit velocity decreased.
Aerial Downward Palm Spark
(Air +)
  • Ground hitstun increased by 7f, ground guardstun decreased by 5f.
  • Horizontal air hit velocity decreased.
Witch Leyline
( )
Witch Leyline EX
( +)
  • Projectile invulnerability now begins 9f earlier.
Miasma Sweep
( )
Miasma Sweep EX
( +)
  • Upper hitbox size increased.
  • Now possesses upper invulnerability until the end of the active frames.
  • Now deals a persistent 90 damage on hit across all active frames.
  • Startup invulnerability increased by 3f.
  • Horizontal velocity increased.
  • Second hit is no longer spacing-dependent.
  • Damage decreased (70,57 ➔ 55,57).
  • Horizontal velocity increased.
  • Damage on 3rd active frame onward increased (80 ➔ 120).
  • Horizontal hit velocity increased.
  • Second hit is no longer spacing-dependent.
Narrow Spark
( )
Narrow Spark EX
( +)
  • Corrected Power gains.
Grand Stardust
( /)
Grand Stardust EX
( +)
  • Now EX only. and versions replaced with Magical Reusable Bomb.
  • Corrected Power gains.
  • Horizontal hit velocity decreased, vertical hit velocity increased.
Magical Reusable Bomb
( )
  • and versions added.
  • Startup decreased by 3f.
  • Horizontal projectile trajectory increased.
  • Horizontal friction coefficient for projectile bounces decreased.
  • Projectile no longer bounces off walls.
  • Bomb detonation time decreased (3 seconds ➔ 1.7 seconds).
  • Horizontal hit velocity decreased, vertical hit velocity increased.
  • Corrected Power gains.
Star Sign "Dragon Meteor"
(Air )
  • Fixed an issue where the first active hitbox was in the wrong position.
Sakuya Izayoi
Standing Medium Attack
  • No longer snaps back if move is cancelled or interrupted.
Jump Slash
  • Damage decreased (36,51 ➔ 35,50).
  • Proration decreased (89%x2 ➔ 92%x2).
Standing Heavy Attack
  • No longer snaps back if move is cancelled or interrupted.
  • Damage decreased (45x2 ➔ 44x2).
  • Proration decreased (89%x2 ➔ 92%x2).
Crouching Light Attack
  • No longer snaps back if move is cancelled or interrupted.
Crouching Heavy Attack
  • No longer snaps back if move is cancelled or interrupted.
  • Damage increased (65 ➔ 75).
Aerial Light Attack
  • Startup decreased by 1f.
  • Damage increased (35 ➔ 40).
Aerial Medium Attack
  • Startup increased by 1f.
  • Hitbox raised.
  • Damage increased (50 ➔ 55).
Aerial Heavy Attack
  • Startup increased by 1f.
  • Hit velocities adjusted.
  • Now causes a techable knockdown.
Sense of Thrown Edge
( )
  • Proration outside of "Sakuya's World" decreased (95%xN ➔ 96%xN).
Close-up Magic
( )
  • Proration decreased (92%xN ➔ 93%xN).
Bounce/No Bounce
( )
  • Damage outside of "Sakuya's World" decreased (12xN ➔ 11xN).
  • Proration outside of "Sakuya's World" decreased (90%xN ➔ 94%xN).
Youmu Konpaku
Insightful Sword
( /)
  • Opponent can no longer pass through Youmu on counter success.
Netherworld Reflection Slash
( )
  • Corrected Power gains.
Crescent Moon Slash [Air]
(Air )
  • Removed guard restrictions.
Lotus Stance Cut
( )
  • Corrected Power gains.
  • Spirit loss on whiff increased (40 ➔ 45).
  • Spirit gain swapped with version (40x3 ➔ 15x3).
  • Spirit gain increased (21 ➔ 22).
  • Spirit gain swapped with version and increased (15 ➔ 45).
Life Ending Sword "Sword of Meditation"
( )
  • Now only deducts Spirit if all hits fail to connect.
"6-Root Cleansing"
( )
  • Corrected opponent Power gain for Spirit Levels 2, 3, and Max.
"Matsuyoi-Reflecting Satellite Slash"
( )
  • Corrected opponent Power gain.
Reisen U. Inaba
Mind Explosion [Air]
(Air )
  • Fixed oversight where the landing frames could not be cancelled.
Undersense Break
( / )
  • Fixed an issue where the move was using the hit properties of the old Guard Cancel.
Illusionary Blast
( )
  • Hitbox adjusted.
  • Upper and projectile invulnerability now occur later into the startup frames.
  • Air guard velocities decreased.
  • Air guard velocities decreased.
Disbelief Aspect
( /)
  • Corrected counter hit window.
  • Clone now disappears if Reisen gets hit.
  • Fixed oversight where the landing frames could not be cancelled.
Red Eyes "Lunacy Ray"
( )
  • Corrected counter hit window.
Sanae Kochiya
Pillar Toss
  • Fixed oversight where the landing frames could not be cancelled.
Omikuji Bomb
( )
Poor Luck
  • Now prorates properly for Sanae so she takes identical damage to the opponent.
Earth Goddess ~ Snare
( )
  • Fixed oversight that allowed the move to hit multiple times in a juggle.
Crouching Light Attack
  • Startup decreased by 1f.
Crouching Medium Attack
  • Startup increased by 2f.
Crouching Heavy Attack
  • Recovery increased by 7f.
Aerial Medium Attack
(Air )
  • Startup decreased by 2f.
  • Forward hitbox size on last 2 active frames increased.
Aerial Heavy Attack
(Air )
  • Hurtbox extended during active frames.
Flight Mode
  • Total duration decreased (10 seconds ➔ 6.5 seconds).
  • Now ends automatically if Mima flies below a certain height.
Green Spread
( )
  • Recovery increased by 4f.
  • Explosion now occurs 4f later.
  • Recovery increased by 8f.
  • Explosion now occurs 8f later.
Stellar Missile
( )
  • Recovery increased by 3f.
  • Projectile size decreased by 25%.
  • Horizontal hit & guard velocities decreased.
Darkness Displace [Air]
(Air )
  • Mima now regains control while falling if not used during Flight Mode.
"Twilight Spark"
( )
  • Flight Mode timer no longer counts down during cinematic.
Yuuka Kazami
Soil Tilling
( )
  • Corrected startup Power gain.
Drifting Dandelion
(Air )
  • Corrected opponent Power gain.
Flowers in the Wind
( )
  • Fixed an issue where the move was only hitting twice instead of thrice.
Fantastic Spring Flowers
( )
  • Corrected startup Power gain.
  • Adjusted aerial hurtboxes to be more consistent with the rest of the cast.
Ground Walk
  • Move can now instantly transition to and from standing.
Air Throw
(Air +)
  • Fixed an issue where Cirno could act before landing.
Standing Medium Attack
  • Hitbox size is now consistent across all active frames.
  • Hitstun & guardstun increased by 1f.
  • Opponent is now only pushed back after the 3rd hit.
Crouching Heavy Attack
  • Friction is now only applied after the last active frame.
Ice Kick
(Air +)
  • Fixed an issue where the move would continue to prorate after hitting 4 times.
  • Fixed an issue where the move could potentially hit 5 times.
Frozen Technique
( )
  • Frozen state now lasts a fixed duration.
Icicle Fairy Sculpture
( )
  • Frozen state now lasts a fixed duration.
Hong Meiling
  • Startup increased by 1f.
Cyclone Light Step
( )
  • Recovery increased by 2f.
  • Now travels a shorter distance.
  • Guardstun decreased by 2f.
Scarlet Cannon
( )
  • Full startup invulnerability replaced with upper invulnerability.
  • Lower hitbox size decreased.
  • Upper invulnerability replaced with full startup invulnerability.
Lie Meiling
Standing Light Attack
  • Recovery increased by 1f.
Seven-Star Sword
( )
  • Corrected counter hit window.
New Command Move: Phlogistic Wave (+).
Lesser Key of Solomon ~ Scarlet Bats
( )
  • Corrected guard damage.
Devil Sign "Crimson Combination"
( )
  • Fixed an issue where proration was being applied too early.
Earth Water Sign - "Noachian Deluge"
( )
  • Corrected opponent Power gain.
"Little Devil Cradle"
( )
  • Corrected counter hit window.
Flandre Scarlet
Comet Bow
([] /)
  • Removed startup projectile invulnerability.
Yukari Yakumo
New Command Move: Bound to the Grave (+).
Standing Heavy Attack
  • Forward hitbox size increased.
  • Now causes wall bounce on counter hit.
Crouching Medium Attack
  • Hurtbox size decreased.
Crouching Heavy Attack
  • Startup decreased by 1f, recovery decreased by 4f.
  • Horizontal hurtbox size on active frames 1 and 2 decreased.
  • No longer causes a wall bounce on counter hit.
Parasol Spin
(Air +)
  • Startup increased by 1f.
  • Velocity increased.
  • Hitbox size increased.
Aerial Heavy Attack
(Air )
  • Lower hitbox size increased.
New Special: Spacetime Seam ( ).
Urashima's Box
( )
  • Startup decreased by 6f, recovery decreased by 3f.
  • Now hits OTG.
Zen Temple Butterfly
( )
  • Corrected counter hit window.
  • Fixed a proration issue.
  • Startup invulnerability increased by 5f.
  • Hit velocities on hits 1-3 reduced.
  • Fixed issue where Yukari would cease horizontal movement prematurely.
  • Upper invulnerability now extends into active frames.
  • Hurtbox size increased downward during active frames.
Illusion Rift
( )
  • No longer causes a wall bounce on counter hit.
Ride the Waves
( )
  • Gap duration increased by 30f.
  • Now adds 80 Power when a projectile is successfully absorbed, which scales by 90% for each projectile absorbed before the gap disappears.
Fight the Ocean
( )
  • Recovery decreased by 40f.
  • Projectiles now become active 40f later and only track the position of the opponent at the time they were spawned.
  • Projectiles now disappear if Yukari is hit before becoming active.
Maxwell's Demon
( )
  • Proration increased (85% ➔ 50%).
  • Damage increased (20 ➔ 80).
  • Damage increased (30 ➔ 100).
  • Damage increased (40 ➔ 120).
Boundary of Mind and Foot
( )
  • Removed.
Shikigami "Chen"
( )
  • Corrected counter hit window.
Shikigami "Ran Yakumo"
( /)
  • and versions are now identical.
  • Recovery increased by 30f on whiff and guard.
Border Sign "Quadruple Barrier"
( )
  • Startup decreased by 2f.
  • Now produces a suction effect.
Magic Eye "Laplace's Demon"
( +)
  • Command changed to .
  • Can no longer be used on the ground.
  • Now costs only 1000 Power.
  • Now has 14f post-pause startup before the eyes can fire projectiles.
  • Eyes are now clustered closer together and always spawn in a set pattern relative to Yukari's position.
  • Damage decreased (36xN ➔ 28xN).
  • Opponent power gain decreased (35xN ➔ 25xN).
Obsolete Line "Trip to the Old Station"
( )
  • Startup reduced by 80f.
  • Can now be guarded high.
  • Damage decreased (200xN ➔ 150xN).
Suika Ibuki
Oni Hammer
  • Startup increased by 1f.
  • Forward hitbox size increased, graphical effect added.
Standing Heavy Attack
  • Hitbox size increased.
Aerial Medium Attack
  • Removed guard restrictions from second hit.
Kidnapping Oni
( )
  • Suction no longer persists past active frames.
"Missing Purple Power"
( )
  • Fixed an issue where Suika would sometimes repeat parts of an attack if hit during them.
Eirin Yagokoro
Elixir ~ Nitrogen
( )
  • Frozen state now lasts a fixed duration.
Omoikane Mindbreak
( )
  • Corrected guard damage.
Curse of the Heavens "Apollo 13"
( )
  • Corrected opponent Power gain.
Fujiwara no Mokou
  • Self-damage decreased (30 ➔ 19).
Standing Light Attack
  • Startup & recovery increased by 1f.
  • Forward hitbox size increased, graphical effect added.
  • Self-damage increased (3 ➔ 4).
Standing Medium Attack
  • Forward hitbox size increased, graphical effect added.
  • Self-damage decreased (9 ➔ 8).
Overhead Kick
  • Startup decreased by 2f.
  • Forward hitbox size increased, graphical effect added.
  • Self-damage decreased (9 ➔ 8).
Standing Heavy Attack
  • Active frames decreased by 3f, recovery increased by 6f.
  • Hitbox size increased, graphical effect added.
  • Self-damage decreased (12 ➔ 11).
Flame Punch
  • Forward hitbox size increased.
  • Self-damage decreased (9,9 ➔ 6,7).
Crouching Light Attack
  • Forward hitbox size increased, graphical effect added.
  • Self-damage increased (3 ➔ 4).
Crouching Medium Attack
  • Forward hitbox size increased, graphical effect added.
  • Self-damage decreased (9 ➔ 8).
Crouching Heavy Attack
  • Slide velocity increased.
  • Self-damage increased (12 ➔ 13).
Aerial Light Attack
(Air )
  • Forward hitbox size increased.
  • Hitbox size increased, graphical effect added.
Aerial Medium Attack
(Air )
  • Horizontal air hit velocity decreased, vertical air hit velocity increased.
  • Hitbox size increased, graphical effect added.
Aerial Heavy Attack
(Air )
  • Horizontal air hit velocity decreased, vertical air hit velocity increased.
  • Hitbox size increased, graphical effect added.
  • Self-damage increased (12 ➔ 13).
Flaming Divekick
(Air +)
  • Dive velocity increased.
  • Self-damage increased (12 ➔ 13).
Spontaneous Combustion
  • Can no longer be used if Mokou is at exactly 1 Life, now automatically deactivates when Mokou reaches 1 Life.
  • Corrected a number of attributes mistakenly carried over from "Phoenix Rebirth".
Self-Harming Fire Talons
( )
Initial input
  • Self-damage decreased (12 ➔ 10).
  • Self-damage increased (12 ➔ 13).
Additional input 1
  • Self-damage decreased (12 ➔ 10).
  • Self-damage increased (12 ➔ 13).
Additional input 2
  • Self-damage increased (12 ➔ 13).
  • Self-damage increased (12 ➔ 14).
Blazing Bamboo Tube
( )
  • Self-damage increased (12 ➔ 13).
( )
  • Corrected cancel conditions.
  • Landing recovery increased by 6f, recoil velocities adjusted to compensate.
  • Amount of restored recoverable Life reduced (100% -> 25%).
  • No longer ends Spontaneous Combustion on use.
  • No longer consumes recoverable Life.
  • Hitbox size increased.
  • Self-damage increased (0 ➔ 40).
  • Self-damage increased (0 ➔ 48).
  • Self-damage increased (0 ➔ 56).
Mt. Fuji Eruption
( )
  • Corrected cancel conditions.
  • Self-damage increased (16 ➔ 18).
Hourai "South Wind Clear Sky -Mt. Fuji Volcano-"
( )
  • Self-damage adjusted (8,8,104 ➔ 10,7,84).
Immortal "Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-"
( )
  • Self-damage decreased (96 ➔ 90).
Komachi Onozuka
Standing Light Attack
  • Now hits twice, 2nd hit will retain the old properties of the move if 1st hit whiffs.
  • Hitstun increased by 2f.
Standing Medium Attack
  • Forward hitbox size increased on active frames 4-6.
  • Hitstun & guardstun increased by 3f.
  • Horizontal hit velocity decreased.
Overhead Slash
  • Startup decreased by 2f.
  • Hitstun increased by 4f, guardstun increased by 1f.
Standing Heavy Attack
  • Damage decreased (90 ➔ 80).
  • Hitstun increased by 2f.
Scythe Drag
  • Can now be cancelled into from Standing Medium Attack () and Overhead Slash (+).
  • Now moves Komachi forward on startup.
  • Forward hitbox size increased.
  • Damage decreased (85 ➔ 75).
  • Guardstun increased by 5f.
  • Now causes hard knockdown.
Crouching Medium Attack
  • Damage decreased (70 ➔ 65).
  • Hitstun increased by 4f, guardstun increased by 3f.
  • Vertical hit velocity increased.
  • Now causes soft knockdown against an airborne opponent, and against a grounded opponent on counter hit.
Crouching Heavy Attack
  • Startup decreased by 2f, active frames decreased by 12f.
  • Slide velocity increased.
  • Guardstun increased by 5f.
Aerial Medium Attack
(Air )
  • Damage decreased (70 ➔ 65).
Aerial Heavy Attack
(Air )
  • Damage decreased (90 ➔ 80).
Crossup Slash
(Air +)
  • Damage decreased (85 ➔ 75).
Soul Detonate
  • Can now be cancelled into from Specials.
  • Can now be cancelled into Specials, Spell Cards, and Last Words.
  • Recovery decreased by 9f.
Spirits of the Firm
( )
  • Hitstun & guardstun increased by 4f.
Scythe of the Reaper
(Air )
  • Hitbox size increased on 2nd hit.
  • Corrected Power gains.
  • Startup decreased by 2f.
  • Damage and hit velocities are now identical to version.
  • Startup increased by 2f.
  • Now has startup invulnerability.
  • 1st hit removed.
Floating Indolent Dead Spirits
( /)
  • Startup decreased by 4f.
  • Damage decreased (65 ➔ 60).
  • Guardstun increased by 4f.
  • Now causes hard knockdown.
Lonely Bound Spirits
( )
  • Startup decreased by 2f.
  • Improved Spirit tracking.
  • Wisps now immediately home in on opponent.
  • Damage decreased (65 ➔ 60).
  • Guardstun increased by 4f.
  • Now causes hard knockdown.
Wind on the Last Journey
( )
  • Guardstun increased by 4f.
  • Corrected guard damage.
The Endless Way
( )
  • Can no longer be cancelled.
  • Startup decreased by 2f, recovery decreased by 4f.
  • No longer possesses a hitbox.
  • Pillar width increased by 25%.
Spirit Sign "Abundant Floating Spirits"
( /)
  • Guardstun increased by 4f.
Malice Sign "Irresolute Bound Spirits"
( )
  • Improved Spirit tracking.
  • Spirits now immediately home in on opponent.
  • Guardstun increased by 4f.
Death Sign "Scythe of Final Judgement"
( )
  • Fixed oversight where the move was affected by proration.
  • Proration increased (75% -> 55%).
Kanako Yasaka
Onbashira Throw
  • Fixed oversight where the landing frames could not be cancelled.
Aerial Heavy Attack
(Air )
  • Removed guard restrictions.
  • Guardstun reduced by 8f.
Sky God: Wind Summon
( )
  • Fixed oversight where the landing frames could not be cancelled.
Sky God: Onbashira
( )
  • Fixed oversight that allowed the move to be cancelled too early, preventing the pillar from spawning.
  • Fixed oversight where the landing frames could not be cancelled.
Utsuho Reiuji
  • Spell Cards and Last Words can now be activated while charging Control Rod.
  • Fixed an issue where charge would sometimes be lost when getting hit.
  • Fixed an issue where charge was prevented from increasing under certain circumstances.
Nuclear Rush
(Air +)
  • Corrected knockdown behaviour against airborne opponents.
  • Fixed oversight where the landing frames could not be cancelled if the move made contact.
Flare Up
( )
  • Fixed oversight that allowed the move to hit multiple times in a juggle.
Radiant Blade
( )
  • Corrected startup Power gain.
  • No longer applies cornerpush to Utsuho.
Explosion Sign "Mega Flare"
( )
Explosion Sign "Giga Flare"
(50~99% charge)
  • Invulnerability no longer lasts into recovery frames.
Crow Sign "Yatagarasu Dive"
( )
  • Corrected lack of counter hit damage bonuses.
Nuclear Heat "Uncontrollable Dive"
( )
  • Corrected lack of counter hit damage bonuses.
Koishi Komeiji
  • Fixed an issue where attacks couldn't be used when falling from a forward air dash.
Aerial Medium Attack
(Air )
  • Hitstun increased by 1f, guardstun decreased by 2f.
Aerial Heavy Attack
(Air )
  • Now causes soft knockdown.
  • Hit velocities adjusted.
Third Eye Whip [Air]
(Air +)
  • Forward hitbox & hurtbox size decreased.
  • Hitstun decreased by 7f, guardstun decreased by 5f.
Angled Third Eye Whip
(Air +)
  • Hitstun decreased by 6f, guardstun reduced by 4f.
Growing Pain
( )
  • Hitbox size decreased.
Catch & Rose
( )
  • Hitbox moved backward, hitbox size decreased.
"Brambly Rose Garden"
( )
  • Corrected lack of counter hit damage bonuses.
Ichirin Kumoi
  • Fixed oversight where the move could not be cancelled if it made contact.
Byakuren Hijiri
  • Can no longer be cancelled into on guard.
Heaven Sign "Brilliance of Mahavairocana"
( )
  • Projectiles no longer affect Byakuren's Power when countered.
Mamizou Futatsuiwa
Karakasa Thrust
  • Corrected damage bonus during "Prosperity of Infinite Tanuki".
Nurikabe Transformation
(Air +)
  • Corrected damage bonus during "Prosperity of Infinite Tanuki".
Youkai Karakasa Transformation
( )
  • Fixed an issue where second hit would whiff in a juggle.
Youkai Amikiri Transformation
( )
  • Corrected lack of counter hit damage bonuses.
Transformation "Youkai World Gate of 100 Demons"
( )
  • Corrected counter hit window.
Standing Heavy Attack
  • Horizontal hit & guard velocities decreased, original velocities preserved on counter hit.
Formless Wave
( )
  • Horizontal hit & guard velocities decreased.
"Feel the Formlessness of Chaos!"
( )
  • Recovery increased by 16f.
  • Decreased startup invulnerability.